Saturday, September 17, 2011

If you were a knight what would your name be?

Like "Sir Lance-A-Lot?" Mine would be Sir Blinks A Lot.
If you were a knight what would your name be?
Mine would be "Sir fornicates and drinks a-lot"
If you were a knight what would your name be?
Michael Knight?
Kiera Knightley?
Knighty McKnight?
Michael Knight?
Kiera Knightley?
Knighty McKnight?
I've thought about plenty of years a lot, just for fun, and use as nickname in games like Diablo and so, I'd be Wiselot; I'm not that wise, but I'd like to be
I am a Noble Knight of The Order of The Mess Square and my name is Sir Shakes Alot.
I would be Sir Humpagherkin. By the way: what does this have to do with Jamaica, the category under which the question is filed?
Sir Reads A Lot
it would be dark night
Sir Franklin Sandwhich III

hahah i just made that up
even though im a girl

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