Saturday, September 17, 2011

In between flight stops what happens to the luggage?

what happens to the luggage
In between flight stops what happens to the luggage?
If necessary, it gets moved to your next flight and the next flights of everyone on your plane who is going somewhere else.
In between flight stops what happens to the luggage?
If it is a long stop-over, the luggage gets stored at the airport where you are having the layover until the plane you are going to depart on arrives at the terminal, then the luggage is moved onto that plane. Each airline has storage space available for just that purpose.
If it is a long stop-over, the luggage gets stored at the airport where you are having the layover until the plane you are going to depart on arrives at the terminal, then the luggage is moved onto that plane. Each airline has storage space available for just that purpose.
Well the luggage gets stowed un your plan till you land then some sweaty guy's (mostly guys out of prison) go tru your bag for any illegal stuff (sometimes none illegal stuff gets taking if you catch my drift) to make sure your not anther taliban coming to terrorize there homeland :)

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